9 Tips on How to Write Your Own Vows

9 Tips on How to Write Your Own Vows

1.Personalize them!

Of course, you’ll wanna put your names in the vows. (No one wants to pull a Ross Geller!) But make it even more personal, in a fun and cute way. Do you promise to love your S.O. in sickness and in health, for richer and for poorer, through good hairstyles and bad? Seriously, have a little fun with it! And goodness knows we’ve ALL had a crisis moment with our hair.

2. Quote someone your S.O. loves!

There are a TON of cute lyrics and quotes out there, and chances are if your S.O. is a big fan of someone, why not include some of their sweet words in your vows? Throw some Lord of the Rings in there with this classic Arwen quote: “I would rather share one lifetime with you than face all the ages of this world alone.” Or maybe they’re a huge Beatles fan, so how about “When I’m Sixty-Four”? No matter the genre, just make sure it’s got that romantic touch.

3. Inside jokes!

Maybe when you first met, you stumbled over your words and it became a cute inside joke! Why not include that? (As long as it’s still appropriate!) “I’m in like with you.” “I love you and I like you.” “You’re my ride or die.” Just a few generic examples, but you get the gist.

4. You’re the _ to my _

Got a favorite TV couple? Relate so hard to the romance of two certain book characters? Whatever it may be, it’s a fun way to spice up your vows while making them unique to you. Whether they’re the Westley to your Buttercup, the Pooh to your Tigger, or the Hermione to your Ron!

5. Make a template!

Okay, this one isn’t as fun as the others, but it’s definitely a smart way to make sure you’re both on the same page and setting the right tone for the vows. The template doesn’t have to be super detailed. In fact, it can be like a Wedding Vows Mad-libs of sorts! There are a lot of online resources for this, but in the end, go with your gut and choose together which seems more like YOU.

6. Favorite things!

Raindrops on roses and whiskers on kittens? No, we don’t mean those favorite things! What are your favorite things about your S.O. that you wanna include in your vows? Maybe it’s the way they always make you laugh even right after you cried! Maybe they’re the best at giving bear hugs. Or maybe they just make you feel like the best version of yourself. All of the sweet things that make them your person, be sure to say them out loud!

7. Add a story!

No, not a novel! But adding in a personal story (one that is short and sweet) is the perfect unique addition to your vows. Did you know that you loved them the moment they snort-laughed in front of you for the first time? Or maybe it was the time they surprised you with your favorite food after a long day? Add that cute stuff in there!

8. Promises promises!

Vows are all about the promises! Dictionary definition of vow is literally “solemn promise” so if you’re a little stuck on what to say, just think of what you’re promising for a lifetime with this person. I promise to always be there for you. I promise to always be by your side. I promise to replace the toilet paper holder with toilet paper, especially if I used it all up. You know, marriage stuff!

9. Keep it classic!

At the end of the day, the vows are there to let your S.O. know that you’ve got their back 100%. Whether you two are jokesters and want to include the funny little moments, or if you’re more traditional and want to make it your own while staying close to the classic vows, you can’t go wrong. So long as you stand at the altar and commit yourself to the love of your life, people are gonna still shed tears of joy. Just make it memorable, but make it yours.

Co-authored by: Ariel Taranski

Kelsey Connor